We offer the following counseling services for your convenience.
Couples Therapy
There is a good possibility that you are worried about your relationship or that of someone you love.
Individual Therapy
Get back on track with the support you need with individual therapy.
Sex Therapy
Reconnecting with your sexual aliveness is a gift you can give yourself and your partner.

Learn About Peg
I am a psychotherapist who uses short-term cognitive/behavioral therapy and psychodynamic principles to work with you on creating the life you want. I work with people individually, in couples and in groups. Please note, all services are delivered virtually.
"You have one freedom that no one can take away from you, your ability to choose what attitude you will take towards any situation."
- Dr. Victor Frankl
Get to know more about Peg...
Very Practical and Grounded
After exploring a situation to the client’s satisfaction, many people need the therapist to ask them what they want to do about a situation that troubles them. The old saying, points out that “If you do what you always done, you will get what you always gotten” (unknown). If a client wants a different outcome, together we will plan strategies. Sometimes the client will realize that they need to ask for more information or gain greater clarity about a situation or another person’s position. Sometimes it is about helping a client to learn to make requests and to negotiate with a boss or a spouse or child. Sometimes it will be about gaining confidence. Confidence grows from taking a careful risk, trying an intervention and then evaluating and fine-tuning their approach. When we explore what stops people from taking action or speaking up, we examine the negative self-messages they tell themselves, such as “ I am not worthy”, “No one will like me.” “I couldn’t possibly say what I am really thinking”.
I believe that it is very important for clients to feel that I understand their experience and have empathy for what they are going through. Many of my clients come with significant trauma. I have had clients tell me, “I don’t want you to give me homework. I want you to listen to me and get what I am saying”. I am one therapist who trusts the client’s wisdom in defining what they need. I follow their lead. If I feel that they have gotten bogged down, I ask them to consider it. I am again guided by what the client wants out of the therapy. It is important for the client to listen to their deepest self. I model that by treating the client, the way I hope they will relate to their deepest self. There is great wisdom in the depths of the human spirit. I always try to remember that it is the client’s life and my role is that of support for them to be in charge of their life. I have enough humility to know that I do not know what is best for my clients.
The nice thing about getting older is that life and the people I have met have taught me that there are always OPTIONS. There is always another way to look at situations. It is possible to think outside the box. I am good at that. When clients gets get stuck, there is wisdom in waiting, feeling, being and trusting the path.
Since most of life takes place in a relationship, I work with people on their communication skills, self-esteem, setting boundaries and enjoying physical intimacy. With couples, I use the Gottman Sound Relationship House as the paradigm for understanding long-term committed relationships. We work on building and restoring friendship, mastering constructive conflict and identifying shared goals and life dreams. My specialized training and certification in Sex Therapy allows me to explore intimate issues that other therapists may not be comfortable treating in detail and depth.
One of my major interests and skills is working with individuals who want to explore their psychological, emotional, relational and spiritual dimensions. I see this kind of inner journey as a gift they give themselves. I have years of my own therapy, studied many kinds of meditation and gone on a 3 day solo Vision Quest into the wilderness of the Sangre De Christo mountains, fasting and praying for guidance for myself and my community. I treasure the opportunity to be a guide for others on their sacred journeys into the Interior. Often people undertake these journeys when they are called or when they can’t escape the compelling pull.
If you want more in your life or you want greater freedom to be your best self, call me and let’s talk. I believe in always talking to a new client to see if I think I can provide what they are looking for. There is no charge for this brief phone consultation.